Students in the stadium at Dom Bosco |
My host sister was able to provide a connection to an Environmental and Sanitary Engineering student from a university in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. This aspiring student wants to help improve the environment and quality of life for others. I was able to have brief interview with her after returning home from Brazil. I asked her some questions and she provided written responses. They are as follows:
Please state your name, what you're studying, and where.
Nayara Estrabis- I study Environmental and Sanitary Engineering at Universidade Católica
Dom Bosco - in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
As a student who studies environment and sanitation, why is it important to you? What are your plans after you graduate?
It's opened my eyes about my home, the world, and my life. Since
I was a child I was very attracted to the environmental questions and wanted to do something even when I was small. So studying this, I feel like doing something to improve the environment and our lives. I'm
in my third year in this course, and don't know right now what I'm really
going to do, but I'm thinking about water and degraded areas.
Where do the water sources come from? Does go into a reservoir or dam?
Our water sources come from a river - Guariroba River. It goes in a reservoir. Actually we have a Water Treatment Plant, that is who provides the water for us. The name of company is Aguas Guariroba and we pay for the water. She provided a site for more information here
What would you like to see improve?
I think that the sanitary questions are related to the health of the people. Improving the conditions so all people have potable water to use would improve their health, and improve the environment. You have to have a good system for people to use.
Do you know about any laws for indigenous people having access to water?
I don't know, but I think it's the same for us here in my city... they have an urban aldeia (village) they live almost near downtown
How important do you think the sanitation system is and access to water for indigenous people are?
It's very interesting. It's very important, or better, necessary.
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